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Crime Prevention

The Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County wants you to know that the safety of our citizens is very important to us. Check back often as we add more info to better serve you!

Montgomery County's

Emergency Alert System

In June 2015, Montgomery County launched ReadyMontco. This program delivers alerts about severe weather and other important events in Montgomery County to the devices of your choice. Whether you prefer emails, text messages, or a phone call - you can decide what is best.

Sign up for the County's emergency notification system by clicking HERE.

ready montco.png
holding phones

Identity Theft

Online Shopping

Identity theft is a serious crime. As with any crime, you can't completely control if you will become a victim. You can, however, take some basic steps to manage your personal information and potentially prevent identity theft.

The Federal Trade Commission recommends the following steps: 

  • Place passwords on credit card, bank, and phone accounts.

  • Secure personal information in your home, especially if you employ outside help or are having contractors in your home.

  • Don't give out personal information on the phone unless you initiated the contact and you know whom you're dealing with.

  • Treat your mail carefully. Promptly remove incoming mail from your mailbox. Deposit outgoing mail in post office collection boxes and not in an unsecured mailbox.

  • Shred receipts, copies of credit applications, checks, and bank statements.

  • Opt out of receiving credit card offers by calling 1-888-50PTOUT.

  • Give your Social Security Number only when absolutely necessary and don't carry your Social Security Card with you. Always store it in a secure place.

  • Carry only identification information and credit cards that you will actually need when you go out. Report a lost or stolen wallet or purse immediately to the police.  

If your identity is stolen:

1. Contact the fraud department of the three major credit bureaus at the

    numbers listed below:


                   Equifax - (800) 525-6285

                   Experian - (888) 397-3742

                   Trans Union - (800) 680-7289


2. Contact creditors for any accounts that have been tampered with or opened fraudulently.

3. File a police report.

4. Contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-IDTHEFT

Proudly Supporting Police Officers and

our Community in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

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Police Chiefs Association of

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

P.O. Box 26093

Collegeville, PA 19426

PLEASE NOTE: Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County, PA DOES NOT solicit donations by phone. 


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